About “Towards a proper aquatic environment”
On 28th of July 2010, it was signed the Agreement between European Union, Island, Liechtenstein and Norway for the EEA Grants 2009 – 2014.
Through this agreement Romania benefits of financial assistance granted by the countries from the European Economic Area for assisting the economic growth and help assuring a sustainble development through the EEA Grants 2009-2014.
Following the negociations between Romania and the representative of the Donor States, the Ministery of Environment, Waters and Forests was dessignated as the Programe Operator for the Programe RO04 – Reduction of Hazardous Substances.
The pre-defined project “Towards a Proper Aquatic Environment” is financed through the EEA Grants 2009-2014, Program Area RO04 – Reduction of Hazardous Substances. The project is a partnership between National Administration „Apele Române” as the Project Promoter and Norwegian Environment Agengy as the Project Partner.
The main objective of the project is to increase the knowledge and awareness in the field of water policy by expanding the actual monitoring activity based on the new European requirements.
The main project benefits are:
- Consolidate bilateral relation between Romania and Norway, enabling experts from both countries, Romania and Norway to meet, establish relationships and further partnership opportunities
- Expanding of the actual monitoring activity based on the new European requirements in the field of water policy (Directive 2013/39/CE)
- Extending the implemented analysis method for the envisaged substances in the National Laboratory within the regional water quality laboratories;
- Disseminating the acquired expertise of the trained experts with the other Romanian specialists from the NAAR laboratory network;
- Setting up the most appropriate programme of measures that will be included in the second RBMP (2015-2021) in order to achieve the WFD objective.
The project time frame is of 25 month starting with 1st of October 2014 until 31st of October 2016 , the total eligible value of the project being of 2.341.039 EURO.